Think about a decision you have made recently. It can be a minor one,
such as deciding which restaurant to go to on a Saturday evening, or a
more important one such as a career move. Analyze this decision, taking
into account the processes you went through to arrive at it and how you
justified it in your mind as being a good decision.
A minor decision that I made many months ago was setting up this blog with one email address instead of using a separate account that would've been much easier to log in and log out. Grrr. I also have to waste time trying to remember what I did wrong.
Right now I'm trying to decide which statistics class to take this summer. I can retake one class and hopefully improve my GPA, or I can move on from the horrible experience and hope that my next stats class has logic to it and some easier software that comes with some instructions.
I know we've tried to set up an informational packet about classes to take in other departments, but it also depends on who is teaching and if they are teaching it during the same semester the I need it. It is becoming more and more frustrating as UNT builds bigger goals but we're still struggling to find class with amazing teachers. I am too far into my course to switch to a different university but it has crossed my mind. Not making changes is also a decision, some times doing nothing is the the worst decision.
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